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We strive to help connect our clients with their constituents


Digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram are leading the world in connected users with public figures. Our expertise in these platforms empowers us to evolve with the changes that these digital terminals experience. 

We know the value of data. Our services are all directed at ROI. We develop targeted marketing campaigns to direct users to specific issues; fundraisers; public forums, as well as connecting citizens to the news in their area.  Each piece of content deployed by Red Shoe Media is focused on raising money, voter turnout, visibility & data collection.

We offer a vast amount of services to current elected officials & to those seeking office. 

Services include:
Social Media Strategy
Social Media Management 
Digital Video Design
Graphic Design
Campaign Website Design
Digital Public Relations
Content Development

Live Streaming
and more.


We offer the most direct path to the most powerful solution by implementing sustainable, measurable & innovative solutions that navigate complex challenges brought on by profound change.

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